Artificial Intelligence: Subject Notes by Mohit Thakkar
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Title: Artificial Intelligence: Subject Notes
Author: Mohit Thakkar
Synopsis: It often happens that when we try to study a subject for some examination or a job interview, we just don’t find the right content. The problem with the reference books is that they are too descriptive for last moment studies. Whereas the problem with local publications is that they are inaccurate as compared to the reference books. This particular book encapsulates the subject notes on Artificial Intelligence with the combined benefits of reference books & local publications. It has the accuracy of a reference book as well as the abstraction of a local publication. The author studied the subject from various sources such as web lectures, reference books, online tutorials & so on. After having a thorough understanding of the subject, the author compiled this book for an easy understanding of the subject. This book presents the content with utmost simplicity of language, and in an abstract manner so that it can be used for last moment studies. This book can be used by: