Founder’s Pocket Guide: Startup Valuation by Stephen R. Poland

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Title: Founder’s Pocket Guide: Startup Valuation

Author: Stephen R. Poland

Founder’s Pocket Guide: Startup Valuation

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Synopsis: For many early-stage entrepreneurs assigning a pre-money valuation to your startup is one of the more daunting tasks encountered during the fundraising quest. This guide provides a quick reference to all of the key topics around early-stage startup valuation and provides step-by-step examples for several valuation methods. •          What accounting valuation methods are and why they are not well suited for early-stage startups.This Founder’s Pocket Guide helps startup founders learn:•          What a startup valuation is and when you need to start worrying about it.•          Key terms and definitions associated with valuation, such as pre-money, post-money, and dilution.

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